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Hi, my name's Jonathan. I am serving Christ in Antigua, Guatemala in the Potter's Field Ignite program. I'm just someone trying my best to grow closer to Christ.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I.B.S. #16

Luke 3:14
"And the soldiers likewise demanded of Him, saying, and what shall we do? And he said unto them, do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages."
John the Baptist tells the multitude that they may become children of Abraham by chopping down the trees that they have grown that do not produce good fruit. The multitude of people, tax collectors and soldiers all ask how they can produce good fruit. He tells them the way by giving to one another, if you have two coats, to give to someone who doesn’t have one, the same goes with food. When the soldiers ask him, he says to do no violence towards men and to not accuse falsely. While John gave a message to all, these men of authority have to apply that message to their lives a little differently. They knew how to become Abraham’s children because John just told them, but because they are men with power and authority over others, they need to be careful in how they correct those who may not always follow this rule. John tells them first not to do anything violent to them; I know that, for me at least, that my initial thought when someone is doing something wrong is to physically correct them. Of course I do not have the authority to do so, these soldiers on the other hand, do. He then tells them to not accuse others falsely, to be honest, and to get the facts straight before you are going to say anything to the person. Then to also be content with their wages; what they have earned. Those of us who, in the human eyes, would be considered to be in a higher position have to realize that when we have heard and know the truth, and have more power and authority over someone, have more of a responsibility to not just follow these rules, but to make sure that we are correcting others properly in doing so. Because we have to realize that we received that position by God, and we are to be content with what God has given us. That being said, if spiritually, we are all on the same level in God’s eyes, we need to be content with where we are at with Him and He will bless us and we will grow closer to Him as well.

I need to listen and accept correction from those above me with a happy and content heart, knowing that God has blessed me with that leader or leaders to help guide me in my walk with the Lord.

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